The engineering aspect of the ERTMS implementations
The purpose of this activity is to collect and analyse ‘real-life’ trackside ERTMS issues (and related onboard issues) – both implemented and projected – related to (CCS TSI) standardised on board functionalities, to learn and share experiences about ERTMS application design. All results are described in Topic Descriptions or Internal Guidelines and – when deemed sufficiently broadly acceptable – collected in Guideline Proposals for discussion and potential dissemination.
On the other hand, the Engineers Support Group also organises specific workshops gathering different experts from other organisations of the railway sector.
The main activities and document hierarchy are depicted hereunder:

For information about the captures and topic descriptions, please contact your National Project Manager or use the contact form by clicking here.
The Overall ETCS guideline (Index 84) should be used as a starting point, as it redirects to the specific guidelines when applicable. The Overall ETCS guideline also includes recommendations connected to topics addressed by the specific guidelines.
Engineering rules for the ERTMS harmonised marker boards
21E089_1-_Engineering rules for harmonised marker boards