Deutsche Bahn AG/DB Netz AG, Germany

Deutsche Bahn AG (DB AG) was founded in 1994 and is an international mobility and logistics company that was formed from several large, long-established companies. Through its eight business units, DB operates in every segment of the transport market.
DB Netz AG is the railway infrastructure manager of Deutsche Bahn AG and the largest, highest-capacity rail infrastructure company in Europe. DB Netz AG is responsible for the approximately 33,500-kilometre-long rail network, including all operationally necessary installations. The German rail network is three times as long as the German Autobahn network” and includes nearly 2,800 interlockings, more than 25,100 bridges and over 66,500 switches and junctions.
DB Netz AG ensures non-discriminatory network access for all authorised rail companies, local and regional passenger transport authorities, and freight forwarders and consignors.
The seven operations centres of DB Netz AG and one network control centre keep rail services in Germany running smoothly 365 days a year. The core responsibilities also include preparing train schedules in close partnership with customers, managing operations and construction, and providing maintenance services. An average of 40,000 trains use DB Netz AG’s infrastructure every day – that is around one billion train-path kilometres every year. Train path products are the most important source of revenue for DB Netz AG. Track access charges are set in a transparent train path pricing system regulated by the German Federal Network Agency.
ETCS migration strategy
At this website, we would like to inform you that our rail network will be successively converted from the existing train control system (PZB/LZB) to ETCS in the coming years.
The conversion to the European Train Control System (ETCS) will take place over a longer period of time and in close coordination with the sector. The aim is to equip the entire federal rail network with ETCS and to completely replace the existing systems of point-based train control (PZB) and line-based train control (LZB). Furthermore, we will provide information along the ongoing planning for the commissioning of Automatic Train Operation Grade of Automation 2 (ATO GoA 2) and Future Railway Mobile Communication System (FRMCS).