RFI, Italy

RFI (Rete Ferroviaria Italiana) established in July 2001 and owned 100% by FS Italiane – is the infrastructure manager company and the owner of the national rail network (following Legislative Decree n. 188/2003). RFI has the right to operate as national rail infrastructure manager under public concession for 60 years (in accordance to the Decree of the Ministry of the Infrastructure and Transport n. 138-T, dated 31.10.2000). It is responsible for the 80% of the national rail infrastructure (track, stations and terminals): 16.751 km; 11.969 Km electrified and 7.540 km double track; 2.190 stations and stops for customer service.
RFI placed in operation the Italian High Speed Network on December 2005 with the first line: Roma-Napoli. RFI manages today nearly 1000 km of High Speed Lines with 500 train per day running at 300 km/h operational speed, 2 Railway Undertaking (Trenitalia and NTV), 3 Control Rooms (Milano-Bologna-Roma).
On December 2016 RFI placed in service the new High Speed / High Capacity line Treviglio – Brescia; The AV / AC line Brescia – Milan so allows, in the first phase, to bring to 36 minutes travel time between Milano and Brescia. At 30 minutes with the completion of the interconnection in Brescia Central. The time savings will be more than 30%.
The new line Treviglio – Brescia completes the rail link AV / AC Milan – Brescia and is a further step in implementing the Core Corridor Mediterranean, of which is an integral part and connects the Iberian Peninsula to the Ukrainian border and in Italy. It extends from Turin to Trieste. The new AV / AC Treviglio – Brescia line extends over a total length of 58.2 km, of which 39.6 HS / HC line itself.
Further information can be found on the RFI ERTMS page and the Ferrovie information site.

Table 1: EC regulation 1315/2013
ERTMS on High Speed Lines in Italy | ERTMS/ETCS | SRS Version |
Roma Napoli (225km) | 1.2 | 2.30d |
Firenze Bologna (78km) | 1.2 | 2.30d |
Bologna Milano (200km) | 1.2 | 2.30d |
Milan Torino (125km) | 1.2 | 2.30d |
Reviglio-Brescia (37km) | 1.2 | 2.30d |

(Table to be added)